ReneCare makes symptom tracking easy
Benefit from decades of research on symptom management
Each cancer journey is unique, but every patient is burdened with tracking their symptoms. ReneCare empowers patients to manage their care journey.
ReneCare provides an easy-to-use mobile app version of the Edmonton Symptom Assessment Scale (ESAS) one of the most common symptom assessment scales used in Oncology programs today.
You can't be expected to remember the complexities of your journey. With weeks between appointments, it can be hard to keep track of all of the highs and lows. ReneCare enables you to quickly journal information and tie it to your daily symptom measurements, putting all details right at your fingertips in an easy to navigate interface. Click here to review terms and conditions.
No Emergency Service or Emergency Monitoring
The ReneCare application does not provide emergency service or real time monitoring.
In any case of medical emergency or concern, you must contact the appropriate emergency services in your area. Click here for more information on scoring algorithm.